Welcome aboard our crazy travel adventure! We’re glad you’re here!
If you’re an RV enthusiast, whether past, present or future, then you’ve landed at the right place. At RV Lost Yet? I’ll touch on all things RV! But more precisely, I’ll be sharing our adventures and lessons learned as I travel almost full-time in our motor home with three daughters.
My name is Debbie. I’m a mom to the crazy crew, my amazing daughters, Alissa, Alaina and Nadia. Instead of sitting in a classroom like most kids, they’re out on the road learning at every stop. I’m a single mom while on the road, handling the good, the bad, and the in-between. It can be tough at times but the rewards are worth it.
Dad is at home tending to lil’ blue, our stationary home. Our paths intersect when we’re on the East Coast between adventures.
He also flies or drives to meet up with us when he can break free from the grind.
We travel in PERL, our trusty lady. You can learn more about our beautiful girl here. We are not independently wealthy and living this lifestyle did not come without sacrifice. We sold off nearly all of our things, downsized from 4400 to 1600 sq ft and are making a deliberate attempt
to pay off all debt. Learn more about this crazy adventure here. Everything we do is on a budget.
This was a chosen lifestyle! And one that you can have too. This is another reason why I share our story with you. I want to inspire you! If you even remotely think you might want to do this, I want to show you how we did it. I want to show you all the riches that lie beyond the price or size of your house. A beautiful country beckoning to be loved and explored. It may not come easy or happen quickly but if you yearn to be a nomad (trust me, you know who you are) go out and seize your dream while you still can.
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Interact with us by leaving a comment or question below. I’d love to help you along on your journey. Thank you for joining us. We’re glad to have you.
{HUGS} from the Crew!