Maine, Where Are You?

We’re currently parked at the Thousand Trails Moody Beach RV Campground in Wells, Maine. I have a lot to fill you in on! But let’s start at the beginning.

Wednesday September 10-Friday September 12

IMG_1726Ah, there was a mouse in the house, er, I mean RV. As I was starting to unpack unnecessary items and load up new supplies, I made a discovery. Mouse poop, ugh! I guess when I had Perl parked in storage, a.k.a. the field at the fairground, she had a furry little visitor.

This little discovery doubled my workload. I had to take all of the silverware, kitchen utensils, storage containers and cooking supplies out. I took them home and ran everything through the dishwasher. I used bleach to disinfect the drawers and wipe everything down.

Then there was the joy of packing everything back in. Yea, I don’t think I’ll be parking Perl over at the storage area a lot. It’s mainly so that I can use it as a place to claim ‘garage’ status. You see, county taxes on RVs are extremely high where I live, try five percent. Boats are taxed at .001 percent or something close to it. Go figure.

So, since I can’t store it at my home base, I garage it at the cheapest RV storage place the next county over. Their tax on RVs? A whopping $24 a year. I think that’s worth a few mouse turds, don’t you think? But the truth of the matter is usually Perl is getting something tweaked at the local dealership or on the road. So storage rarely occurs.

Anyway, back to the joys of packing for an eight month stint. After I cleaned and disinfected everything, I continued purging and packing. The twins helped me with laundry while I was at the campground getting Perl ready. By Friday, it looked like the end was in sight.

Between all this, I did take on a little project I really wanted to get done. I took the ugly IMG_1728brown bunk privacy curtains down and replaced them with something a little more bright and cheerful. Aren’t they cute?! Hey, with girls coming out of my ears, we need some pink up in here :-)!

No more yucky brown for us!
No more yucky brown for us!

On Friday I had to go and get some keys made to the RV bays. I went to Professional Lock and they were great. I tried my local Wal-Mart and Home Depot but it seems they don’t carry certain keys and I was down to one. I have no idea how that happened. Somewhere along the way, I lost one. I didn’t want to lose the last one and have to call a locksmith.

So with all the mouse poop cleaned up and things packed in, we were ready to roll on down the road Saturday morning.

Saturday, September 12-Sunday, September 13

We knew we were going to get a late start on Saturday so we planned a short day of driving. We had a Cabela’s in sight to overnight in. For my RV friends who’ve never overnighted at Cabela’s before, I highly recommend it. There is even a place for horses! There are also dog kennels, a dump and water station. Everything went fairly well, we rolled in sometime after dinner and settled in for the night.

The roadside mountain scenery I remember as a child in Upstate NY.

The roadside mountain scenery I remember as a child in Upstate NY.

We started Sunday with donuts and coffee, yum. Then we headed out around 9:00. We stopped around noon for gas and we realized that we were not on the route we had intended. A driving day that was supposed to be six hours turned into more like nine, ugh.

The driving conditions were less than favorable. We battled steep grades, rain and lots of fog. We cried out through the thick veil of fog, “Maine, where are you?”! Okay, maybe not that dramatic but it certainly tested my RV driving skills. Speed was the only factor I had in control and I exercised my right. I s.l.o.w.e.d. down and took my time. We emerged unscathed, sighing a deep breath of relief.


Perl braving the fog! Photo taken by my daughter, riding in dad’s car.

It was raining, cold, dark and miserable when we arrived at the campground around 7pm. We settled on a site and pulled Perl in for a much deserved rest for all. It was a challenging day but the rewards have definitely been worth it. We’ve done some exploring and I have some beautiful sights to share with you. Here’s a sneak peek into my next post.

{HUGS} from the Crew!

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I think I've found paradise.

I think I’ve found paradise.


I'm a mom of 3 traveling part-time in my RV. We're out there learning and exploring as we roll along.

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