Solar Eclipse at Lake Huron
We spent the 2017 solar eclipse at Lake Huron. How cool is that? After our skunk sighting in Iron County it was time to head over the Mackinac suspension bridge connecting the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan.
I have been in some scary situations with PERL girl. There was that windy curvy crazy excursion on ‘Oh My God Hill’ on our way to Wyoming. Then there was the ascent out of Death Valley that was not for the faint of heart. But the Mackinac Bridge was not without its fears.

To give you an idea of what the crew was up against, this bridge has also been lovingly referred to as “Big Mac” and “Mighty Mac”. It is the third-longest suspension bridge in the United States.
This is one long, tall bridge and it didn’t feel like there was a lot of room on it for a 36′ foot RV. I mean, just look at that picture. But we persevered as we always do and made it to the other side.

We were headed to a very nice campground called the Mackinaw Mill Creek Campground. It was a HUGE campground with great views of Lake Huron. It was so big that it took us forever to find our site. There were so many different roads and campsites that it’s very easy to get headed in the wrong direction.

But we managed to find our spot which was nice and spacious with full hook-ups. If I am fortunate enough to return there again someday, I would pick a spot with a view of the water. While they are a bit smaller, it’s worth it.
We enjoyed the water while hanging out at Mackinaw Campground. We also got our solar eclipse on. While we weren’t in one of the prime spots in the country for a perfect view, we thought we were pretty lucky to be parked near a great lake as the event unfolded.

We also enjoyed some more pasties as highlighted in my previous post. There was a location that had some interesting varieties to include a breakfast version as well as a dessert one. And lets not forget about this monstrosity of a hot dog place, Wienerlicious! Now isn’t that just the biggest wiener you’ve seen in a while, toppings and all :-0.

This was the final stop that would be worth writing about on our second cross-country trip. The rest is a mad dash to make it home to satisfy some homesick kids. This four month adventure took us:
- From Virginia to Yellowstone
- Through the parks of Utah to Glass Beach in California
- Towards Washington and over to Glacier National Park
- Crossing the border and heading east through Canada
- Dropping down into North Dakota
- Heading towards the Upper Peninsula
- Toward Pennsylvania and home once again
It was an amazing adventure I will forever hold dear in my heart. I hope it installed a sense of adventure for not only myself and the crew but for you as well. A lot of changes would be coming our way after returning home. Some good and some bittersweet. All of this will be shared soon.
But for now, I leave you with this: never stop exploring. There is a great big world out there waiting for you and you only get one chance at this crazy thing called life. Just do it, no regrets…………….
{HUGS} from the Crew!