Swamp Creatures!?
Before I begin, wasn’t there a series on television many years ago where a swamp creature lived in some lagoon and came out to help people in need? I swear I remember some kind of series like that. Read on to find out where I’m going with this.
Perl is on her first maiden voyage with us. Whew, there’s a lot to learn with all these RV systems. Unfortunately, our first RV park is, well lets just say, very disappointing. For starters, we pulled in when it was dark, something I was really trying to avoid. Strike one! We park the car next to Perl and immediately it gets stuck. There is standing water everywhere. Water and dirt = mud. Fun, my shoes get soaked as I try to hook up to electric. I decide to deal with hooking the water up and getting the car out of the mud in the morning.
Rise and shine! With daylight on our side, I turn on the stove and it works, woohoo! I cook some eggs, toast some bread, everything is right in the world. We make a list for the grocery store, I deal with some boring bank business, rental house lawn care, and general administrative stuff while the kids explore the campground. After I’m done, I put on my shoes to join them.
Whoa, it’s a swamp out here. I assess the car situation. Both front tires are stuck pretty deep into the mud. We try to rock the car back and forth, first in reverse, then in drive. No luck. Then I use a method I read from another RV blog. I take out four RV blocks used to level the jacks. I stick two behind each tire to form a little ramp and provide traction. I back the car up and voila, we’re free! Off to the store we go.
We stock up on groceries, head home and I’m ready to make some tacos. I go to light the stove and nothing. I go to the access panel and look at the propane level. EMPTY. I guess I used the last of the propane up at breakfast. I turn the hot water heater on for showers. We have the air conditioner running and I’m trying to heat up some canned junk in the microwave. Not so fast, everything goes dead.
I put on my shoes and head out to the swamp. I trudge through the muck (I really need to get some muck shoes) over to the electric box. Sure enough, we tripped it. I reset and head back in. Okay, air conditioner off, back in business. I continue to microwave, keep the hot water heater on and……….everything goes dead again. Once more, I put on my mud caked sneakers and head out to swamp land. This time it’s the breaker at the electric box. I reset, go back in and its time for my shower. It.is.very.cold, brrrrrrrrrr. Army style here we come, ugh.
After I finish up, I get dressed and turn the hot water heater back on. Popcorn is being popped in the microwave and goodness knows what else is plugged in. Bam, no more electricity. I’ve had enough, I turn the generator on. We run off of that for a little bit until I get everyone settled and in bed. Then I put my extremely muddy sneakers back on, grab the flashlight and trudge through the swamp once more.
I shine the flashlight on the many puddles of water. Perhaps there’s a swamp creature out here wreaking havoc with the electric box. Or maybe an alligator is waiting to take my leg off……….hey, in the camp packet it said not to swim in the lake due to alligators! And we’re in the low country of South Carolina.
An alligator slithers through the water headed straight towards me. Just kidding, seeing if you’re still with me. Just me and the electric box. I reset once again, head inside and turn off every source of power we absolutely don’t need. Perl really needs 50 amps and this measly 30 amps with 5 people is not working out so well.
During this electrical fiasco, I’m dealing with a daughter who’s upset she was born a girl and making sure everyone is fed and bathed. And did I mention that I have two onboard who would like to know if they have to go on the year long adventure when we leave out in June? Two days in and they’re done, toast, no more for them. There’s a swamp creature out there in the low country of South Carolina that comes and gets tween girls who don’t like the RV lifestyle……………….mwahahahaha! Tomorrow we’re off to Tampa and it better be dry with a concrete pad!
The Campground = The Oaks at Point South RV, 1392 Campground Rd, Yemassee, SC 29945
Cost = free (TT membership)
My Rating = NEVER again
Too much standing water, crappy showers, pretty dated and needs upgrading, shoddy electrical box, swamp creatures and more.